Statewide Organizations

State Bar of Texas

The State Bar of Texas supports the administration of the state’s legal system. To better educate the public about their rights and responsibilities, the State Bar offers a variety of resources, including assistance finding a lawyer in your area, free legal information, help resolving disputes with your lawyer, and other assistance.

Visit the State Bar’s website at for these resources and assistance.


2-1-1 provides free and confidential information and referrals to organizations that can assist people with food, housing, employment, healthcare, counseling, and more.

Dial 2-1-1 from any telephone and tell the operator what information you are seeking. You can also visit and search for needed information.

Restorative Justice Community (RJC)

RJC provides a comprehensive, state-by-state online directory of organizations that serve people who are reentering communities after a period of incarceration. Resources span a variety of services – including housing, employment, and community assistance – and they are updated regularly.

Visit RJC online at To search for resources in Texas, click the “Texas” option in the Reentry Networks section on the right side of the page, and from there, click “View Directory.” There are “Basic Search” and “Advanced Search” options at the top of the page.

TDCJ’s Reentry and Integration Division Hotline

This toll-free hotline has been established to assist people who are reentering society, as well as their families and the general public who may have questions related to programs and resources.

Call 1-877-887-6151 for assistance [toll-free].

Texas Juvenile Justice Department - Office of the Independent Ombudsman

The Independent Ombudsman is a state agency established for the purpose of investigating, evaluating, and securing the rights of the children committed to the Texas Juvenile Justice Department.

Visit the Independent Ombudsman's website at for more information; this page contains full contact information.

Call (855) 468-7330 for assistance [toll-free].

Texas Workforce Commission (TWC)

TWC is the state agency charged with overseeing and providing workforce development services to employers and job seekers of Texas. For employers: TWC offers recruiting, training and retraining, outplacement services, and valuable information on employment law and labor market trends and statistics. For job seekers: TWC offers career development information, job-search resources, training programs and, as appropriate, unemployment benefits.

Visit TWC’s website at for assistance.

Texas Association of Counties (TAC)

TAC is the representative voice for all Texas counties and county officials. Through TAC, counties can communicate their perspective to state officials and the general public, and local government leaders provide various support services to county officials, including training for county officials and staff; research and technical assistance to help with daily operations; risk management services targeted to the unique needs of counties; information technology services; and others.

Visit TAC’s website at for more information.

Texas Conference of Urban Counties (CUC)

The CUC is a nonprofit organization that supports and coordinates communications among its 37 member counties. It also studies Texas policies and programs that affect urban counties, including by providing analysis of legislation, state agency rulemaking, and Attorney General opinions to urban county officials. Furthermore, the CUC advocates for county issues, primarily at the state level, and provides training and education programs for urban county officials. Its 37 member counties represent nearly 80% of the population of Texas.

Visit the CUC’s website at for more information.

Texas Indigent Defense Commission

The Commission provides financial and technical support to counties to help them develop and maintain quality, cost-effective indigent defense systems that meet the needs of local communities and the requirements of the Constitution and state law. The Commission also requires local planning for indigent defense, as well as the reporting of defense expenditures, and it provides an array of resources for counties to improve such services.

Visit the Commission’s website at for more information.

Texas Commission on Jail Standards (TCJS)

TCJS is the regulatory agency for all county jails and privately operated municipal jails in Texas. It assists local governments in providing safe, secure, and suitable local jail facilities through the following services: (1) establishment of minimum standards for the construction and operation of jails; (2) monitoring and enforcement of compliance with adopted standards through on-site inspections; (3) review and comment on all jail construction documents; and (4) consultation, training, and technical assistance on efficient, effective, and economical means of jail construction and management.

Visit TCJS’s website at for more information.

Texas Veterans Commission

The Texas Veterans Commission acts as the state-appointed advocate of Texas veterans as they attempt to secure the benefits earned in exchange for their service in the nation’s armed forces. The Veterans Commission has 4 program areas: (1) Claims Representation and Counseling, (2) Veterans Employment Services, (3) Veterans Education Program, and (4) Texas Veterans Commission Fund for Veterans’ Assistance.

Visit the Veterans Commission’s website at for more information.


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